Retro Reader

AutoHotKey widget for Adobe Reader
update FRI 17th May 2018

YouTube May 2018 demo

Adobe Reader is one of my all-time favourite programs, but it gets boring. Specially reading long PDFs. RetroReader is a AutoHotKey widget that adds some interesting distractions and handy intertia scroll. In addition there is a handy Right-Click cross that helps you maintain your reading flow. Avatar provides full instructions to keep you going strong. Source code included.


To install simply extract somewhere on your disk. Open the PDF in Reader run retroReader.exe with Windows-R or create a Taskbar Shortcut. To quit anytime just press q. Note full screen mode Reader will show up the Taskbar when you start widgets because they are top level windows. So if you're in Full Screen and then you use the Cross Hair the taskbar will annoyingly pop-up. I've added this experimental feature allowing you to 'turn off' the taskbar by pressing SPACE. (App automatically turns taskbar back on when you quit of course). However I would say use this at your own risk, worked ok for me in my Windows 7 pro Lenovo box.

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